
Showing posts from February, 2020

Adbusters Louibuton Ad

Commodity Fetishism -  'The process of ascribing magic 'phantom-like' qualities to an object, wherby the human labour required to make that object is lost once the object is associated with a monetary value for exchange.' How are representations of ethnicity constructed here?: Considering Paul Gilroy's theory of post colonial theory we see the representation of difference between the West's commodity fetishism versus elsewhere. The hegemonic standards of it simply being a luxurious place while elsewhere is not, we can see this as an example of what Claude Levi Strauss would call binary opposition in the imagery being conveyed the opposite of what 'true Louie Bouton' is. How is the audience positioned?: The advertisement, is aimed at the preferred reading audience of anti-consumerist, more than likely left-wing Adbusters readership, while it could also cause confliction within those of the oppositional readings with the int

Adbusters Post-War

Adbusters Magazine: I ndependent anti-establishment magazine, published for £10.99 six times a year, the readership according to their website consisting of 120,000 people, lending itself to be quite a niche publishment rather than anything mainstream, subtitled the 'Journal of the mental environment.' This cover holds a simplistic and uncluttered layout with it's text being unconventionally centered unlike other magazines, causing it to be disruptive and subversive of the hegemonic expectations of a magazine cover, the black borders form a frame for the photo and provide negative space to put further focus upon the headline and title of the magazine. The facial expression of the model communicates an animalistic rage while his body language with his clenched fist conveys violence, this is furthered by the attire of a camouflage flak-jacket upon the model which is and always will be thematically related to war. The headline 'POST- WAR' anchored

George Gerbner, Stuart Hall and Oz.

Professor George Gerbner George Gerbner's Cultivation Theory - Key theory 16 Exposure towards a extensive amount a certain set of beliefs that are then perpetuated via the media begins to cultivate a particular mindset upon the general viewership Reinforcement of the most mainstream hegemonic (dominant) values and ideologies. As an example of a recent incident of such, one might look towards the media's representation of Brexit 'leavers' through the various interviews of evidently intoxicated celebrators over anyone sober enough to compose their thoughts properly. Stuart Hall's Reception Theory - Key Theory 17 Stuart Hall Hall argues that there are a total of three potential readings in which a viewer will consume a text through, and they go as follows: Preferred Reading -  The dominant hegemonic position, with the intended meaning of the piece fully accepted by the reader. Negotiated Reading - The intended meaning is acknowledged and adap