Adbusters Louibuton Ad

Commodity Fetishism - 'The process of ascribing magic 'phantom-like' qualities to an object, wherby the human labour required to make that object is lost once the object is associated with a monetary value for exchange.' How are representations of ethnicity constructed here?: Considering Paul Gilroy's theory of post colonial theory we see the representation of difference between the West's commodity fetishism versus elsewhere. The hegemonic standards of it simply being a luxurious place while elsewhere is not, we can see this as an example of what Claude Levi Strauss would call binary opposition in the imagery being conveyed the opposite of what 'true Louie Bouton' is. How is the audience positioned?: The advertisement, is aimed at the preferred reading audience of anti-consumerist, more than likely left-wing Adbusters readership, while it could also cause confliction within those of the oppositional readings with the int...