
Showing posts from April, 2020

Comparison between 'Break My Heart' and 'Riptide' music videos.

What key differences are there in style between the two videos? The 'Break My  Heart' music video heavily features  the convention of putting the artist of the song front and centre, for the vast majority of the song she makes direct address with the viewer creating a sense of it being the audience's POV, it also alligns us upon her, and by extension looking over her and her various outfit changes throughout the music video. - Which, in conclusion makes the music video feel somewhat /more/ of a promotional piece than anything else due to it's lack of nuance or subtletly. The 'Riptide' music video in juxtaposition, doenst feature the artist of the song whatsoever and comes off akin to a short film stylistically, there is zero direct address as to the audience, again, reinforcing the video as an attempt at an abstract short-film to some extent. In what ways do the two videos visually match the lyrics of the song? 'Break My Heart' seems to use hyperbole a...