
Showing posts from October, 2020

Who is 'Kneel Diamond?'

  What is the name of your artist? Kneel Diamond Representation is important to your artist. Who are they keen to represent? Individuality, and being one's self. To everyone, but more particularly people like himself, Young men. Your artist is a celebrity and a style icon. How do they feel about this? What sets them apart? Kneel Diamond is aware of their presence as an icon, but plays it off modestly and brushes comments upon such aside as though their status is nothing. They are set apart from the norm, for this reason, despite their Since your artist is a style icon, what are they going to wear on the front cover of your magazine? The artist will be wearing the fox-creature onesie featured towards the latter part of the 'Baby you're a haunted house' music video, as it is both iconic visually, and it also feeds back into the advertised product. Your artist is targeting a niche audience. How do they do this,. and who is this audience? Though it is young men as the gener

Learner statement of aims and intentions

 1 - How and why will you use media language in your cross-media production? The costume design within the music video will be purposely campy, and goofy, as to align with the artist's unconventional clothing style and overall aesthetic to their brand. Clear Horror inspired iconography will be used to emphasize the genre's thematic importance to the music video: Props such as an axe, flashlight, porcelain dolls, wax candles. Graveyard setting /w tombstones. Abandoned Church. Dark low-lit locations. 2 - How and why will you construct representations of individuals, groups, and issues/events? A major element to the music video will be that it will be black and white, and grain filtered for the vast majority of the runtime, firstly as an intertextual reference towards the horror genre, but secondly to be representative of a dark period of life but by the end of the video the contrast and tonal shift to color within the final performance highlights a 'light at the end of the tu