Magazines: Audience Question
'How do Woman and Adbusters construct their audiences ?' Construct = representation --> How do Women/ Adbusters represent their intended consumers of their media product. Audience construction -> Making a target audience. Use binary opposition to tell the audience what they like and do not like. Woman magazine: -Tells its audience they should follow patriarchal hegemony. - Dress up, look nice, smile - Front cover - Be a housewife. (Kitchen dp spread, houseware, tend to kids) - Indulge in vanity (Creme Puff) In constructing it's target audience, Woman magazine heavily reinforces female stereotypes. Buy reinforcing stereotypes, the producers of Woman magazine are therein insuring the same audience of women buy it week after week. Trying to construct/ tell the audience exactly what to do. Constructing an audience is far easier than marketing to individuals, and the uniqueness. (ie. Long Road Magazine sells the stereotype of LR as laidback, easy going lexis, c...