David Gauntlet argues that audiences can use tv shows to reflect their own identity. To what extent does this theory of identity apply to the TV shows you have studied?

 David Gauntlet argues that audiences can use tv shows to reflect their own identity. To what extent does this theory of identity apply to the TV shows you have studied?

David Gauntlet - Theories of Identity

Audiences can pick and choose bits and pieces of a media text to identify with, and other parts to ignore.

Humans and Le Revenants offer the audience an opportunity to identify with a number of characters.

KJR: Audiences can take a variety of identities and interpretations for the tv shows I have studied, to allow them to appeal to a range of target audiences.


David Gauntlet - Pick and mix

Stuart Hall - Reception Theory

 MES:  Wide angled shot in Humans breakfast scene constructs a number of representations of stereotypical hegemonic family members.  Relatable messy costume design, familiar middle-class setting and narrative situation.

Dramatic and upsetting storylines, both Humans have themes of life and death, sex. Things all viewers are forced to identify with.

Close-up shots of Camille's face in

Mundane relatable settings. Small town in Les Rev / Outer London suburbs in Humans. 

A shot of widdle class Surat household appeals to middle class audience.

Wide-angle of Camille opening fridge, both setting/ camera placement presents a realistic and relatable feel. 

MOGWAI - Soundtrack of Les Revenants -> appeals to Mogwai fans -> makes them watch the show. 

Tracking shot of Leo walking through the brothel positions the audience with him -> positions viewer as heterosexual man in awkward, uncomfortable situation. -> entryway for audiences to identify with the different themes of the show.

The ethics of prostitution - Audiences will have widely different opinions on the subject. 

Separation of Hawkins relaxed pajama attire, in binary opposition to Anita's dull worker's attire represents a racial hierarchy. -> identifiable in different ways to different viewers. (White person wont share the same perspective as a South-East Asian.) -> Controversial perspective on racism in UK.

Establishing shot, night time ->  concrete block of flats -> stereotypically working-class area.

Cluttered MES of Julie's flat -> Relatability, realism -> Compared to Serat/ Hawkins household -> bookshelf, working class, educated. -> 

Diegetic sound of Texas Chainsaw Massacre on tv -> Julie = Horror fan.

Julie is a carer -> constructs her as a nice person -> Blunt performance  -> Undertones of having seen a lot in her life. 

Alone in her room -> Lives alone -> Solitary

MES: costume design is baggy jumper, dressed for comfort -> Doesn't get changed when she goes out,

Les Revenant presents difficult questions to the audience of life/ death -> what would you do if loved ones came back from the dead?

Wide shot of Julie waiting for bus conforms to Horror genre paradigms -> Woman alone at night. -> Reinforced by Proairetic code of Victor following her, sitting behind them on the bus, perhaps to kill her?  Washed out desaturated colours reflect Julie's mood. -> Allows viewers to identify with her that may be feeling a similar way.

There are examples of Les Revenants attempting to alienate the audience. (Character of Victor, Mr Costa burning his wife, Camille's family reactions to her return.)

Julie at home/ Julie on the us sum up the character enough for a question.

The non-diegetic bassy soundtrack creates an uncomfortable mode of address for the audience, and allows us to identify with Leo's discomfort. -> MES  of Leo's rugged costume design, and his tough demanding mannerisms construct him as masculine, heterosexual male -> Atypical for this hegemonic male to be uncomfortable in the brothel situation.

Leo's  performance full of stuttering and awkwardness reinforces the uncomfortable mode of address to the viewer.

Deliberately controversial scene -> Designed to stir up the audience and cause discussion -> Do we identify with Leo? Someone else who may visit a brothel? -> Links into Stuart Hall's reception theory  
-> Preferred reading is that the audience is supposed to feel upset, uncomfortable. -> Oppositional reading, allured and aroused. 

Red lighting functions as a symbolic code for sex, and danger.


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