Les Revenants Simon/Adele scene and exam question WIP

Les Revenants is arguably a highly uncommercial show due to it's themes and ideologies being harder to swallow in comparison to that of Humans.

- The inevitability of death


Julie as character subverts hegemonic expectations of a how a woman should look and behave, they are not constructed in an expected manner.

Les Revenants presents the audience with a complicated and hard to decode set of ideologies.

Notes upon the scene in which Simon confronts Adele:

Diegetic sound of footsteps, then the dog bark. Reinforces the fact that the diegetic location is perhaps filled with crime, or unsafe.

Adele approaches the door slowly and cautiously, whilst suspenseful, non-diegetic music plays: This increases the tension as we are given more time to speculate what is about to happen.  In this Adele is presented as vulnerable as she is alone and she is a fairly weak looking women, this vulnerability is primarily presented through costume as she is wearing a long, cream slip dress, providing no protection whatsoever, possibly even restricting her ability to run.

Conforms to hegemonic heterosexual relationship norms  - Men are angry, violent and aggressive towards their wife (Simon), whereas the women are weak, emotional and vulnerable. (Adele)

Simon is at first presented as a man on a mission, he shows little to no interest in Lena aside from leading him towards his objective. He is inherently atypical here.

Uses atypical storyline with this scene as typically something bad happens to the 'Vulnerable' girl, with the girl in this clearly being Lena.  Drunken, sexually-active and hegemonically attractive, this character is stereotypically killed in the horror genre.

The hegemonically attractive characters from Lena and Simon offer casual viewers that are more interested in the aesthetic and vanity aspects of the text as opposed to taking in the preferred reading.

"In the 21st century, it is essential for TV shows to offer their audiences multiple meanings." - Evaluate this claim with reference to Les Revenants. (25 Mark)

Kneejerk reaction:

It is crucial for tv shows in the 21st century to offer audiences multiple meanings as audiences are growingly diverse, and therefore create far more negotiated readings of the text.



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