Nobody Trailer Analysis
Analyse the genre conventions of this trailer, and explore how they have changed over time; (Nobody)
Generic paradigm = Genre convention
- Action thriller
-High amounts of action
-Unconventional action lead -> family drama themes.
- Intense soundtrack
- Guns, violence, explosions, car chases.
- Vulgar language, swears, etc.
- Hermeneutic code/ mysterious built around lead through dialogue.
- non-diegetic conventional narration at end of trailer, 'in theaters'
- Intertextual reference to films like John Wick, reinforced by text that states the director wrote both.
Nobody is a highly conventional action/ crime hybrid with some unconventional elements.
- MES: Binary opposition of aged lead actor, in mundane clothing and public transport, and gang.
- Bus setting -> Working/ lower-middle class, suburbia, poverty.
- Midshot of actor emphasises star appeal.
- MES of guns, clear convention of crime and action.
- Guns are an example of a proairetic code, signify action and violence guaranteed ahead.
- Binary opposition of family/ Crime.
- Conventional; Power male protagonist.
-Conventional for R-rating. Lexis of 'Fuck' indicates an older target audience.
-Steve Neale; Genre Theory; Repetition and difference.
- Repeats action genre of family in trouble, violence, vulgar lexis. - Difference in unconventional older male protagonist.
- USP (Unique Selling Point) Old family man as protagonist.
-Grey, bland colours. Night time setting, low-key lighting.
- Fast paced editing -> Conventional action trailer.
-Examples of intertextuality -> Breaking Bad/ Better Call Saul. -> Familiar actor.
John Wick -> Similar narrative/MES, same producer.
Definition: Genre conventions refer to the typical elements found in a particular Genre.
Argument: 'Nobody' is a conventional crime/action film, that fulfils many generic conventions
Context: Film trailers exist to advertise the content of a film to the target audience before it's release.
The interrogation scene is conventional per the crime genre, and framing of the scene. But contains unconventional elements through the MES of protagonist's bloodied and turn costume design paired with a cigarette, low-key lighting and aspects of comedy through the kitten at the table.
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