These are a few of my favourite things..~
Top five films:
1) Guardians Of The Galaxy
2) Inglorious Basterds
3) The Revenant
4) Baby Driver
5) Pulp Fiction
Top five TV shows
1) Peaky Blinders
2) The Office
3) Castlevania
4) Daredevil
5) Game Of Thrones (Pre-final season...)
and The Umbrella Academy...
and The Umbrella Academy...
Top five bands:
1) Queen
2) Panic! At The Disco
3) The Rolling Stones
4) Mother Mother
5) Rage Against The Machine
Best albums:
1) Pretty. Odd. - Panic! At the Disco (2008)
Best albums:
1) Pretty. Odd. - Panic! At the Disco (2008)
2) Okay I dont know many albums...
Best actors:
Best actors:
1) Jake Gyllenhaal
2) Cillian Murphy
3) Tom Hardy
4) Chris Hemsworth
5) Taron Egerton
Best videogames:
1. Fallout: New Vegas
2. Ratchet and Clank 3
3. The Elderscrolls V: Skyrim
4. Overwatch
5. CS:GO
1. Fallout: New Vegas
2. Ratchet and Clank 3
3. The Elderscrolls V: Skyrim
4. Overwatch
5. CS:GO
Top directors:
1) Taika Waititi
2) Edgar Wright
3) Quentin Tarantino
4) James Gunn
Top film posters:
Best Youtube channels:
1) Corridor Digital
2) Chris Stuckman
3) First We Feast
4) CaptainMidnight
5) Michael Reeves
6) Tomska
7) Emergency Awesome
8) Pretty Much It
9) Pewdiepie
10) Lindsay Ellis
3) First We Feast
4) CaptainMidnight
5) Michael Reeves
6) Tomska
7) Emergency Awesome
8) Pretty Much It
9) Pewdiepie
10) Lindsay Ellis
Best moments in some of my favourite shows:
Daredevil - Prison Escape scene, the choreography in this show is mental. Honestly.Game of Thrones - Jon Snow meeting Daenarys is the most hilarious thing ever to me, idk why-
Peaky Blinders - so close.
Best TV opening theme tunes:
The Office (US)
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