Ideological Significance of the Tide Ad

Image result for tide's got what women want AD

What is the Ideological signification of the choice of focal image in this advert?:

  • With this advertisement coming from the time period of the 1950s, the dominant ideology back then was that women were in essence just housewives while men were the true workers, we can see DMB&B believed in such via the focal point of the advert being an illustration of a woman presented to be utterly in love with a dish washing product... 

What can we tell about the producer's ideals and values from it?:

  • We can presume that either the producers agreed with the concept that women are subordinate to men or they are at the very least aware that with it being the dominant ideology that it will sell their product far better than those who don't follow it.
  • Their values are shown off by the decision to comply with the popular trends even if it wasnt morale, it presents the company now to the contemporary audience that they were more concentrated upon capital over anything else. (But then again, what company isnt?)

Applying Structuralism and binary opposites to the Tide Ad:

  • Following Claude Levi-Strauss' structuralism theory there are a few evident binary opposites:
  • The advert is for women NOT men
  • Light not dark
  • Clean not grungy
  • Conformation not rebellious


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