This Girl Can Advertisement

This Girl Can advertisement:

What is the advertisement for?:
The 'This Girl Can' campaign funded by The National Lottery and Sport England to promote women's fitness and getting active regardless of their culture, size, disabilities, etc.

It's clearly an intention to break the stereotypical mold of women only appearing like in the prior 1950s advertisements we've  been analysing as of late...
- Large amounts of close-ups are used to draw focus to the women's emotions and to display them in a poor state, sweating and whatnot.
- Focus is often pulled to taboo or unattractive.
-Wide shots give a sense of community to the women playing group sports, etc.

- Body positive messages - On screen a fairly long time.
- Synchronised sound+cuts (Displayed like a music video.)
- Extremely fast pacing throughout the advertisement.

Get your freak on - Missy Elliot playing through out the video- Significant because they decided on a well-known bold female rapper, works cohesively with the message.
- When 'Quiet' comes during the lyrics the music cuts away to the diegetic sound of women catching their breaths simultaneously, this of course unifies them somewhat.

Realistic lighting/ feel - Sweat, exerting themselves and such.
Sportswear - Tons of skin showing.
Multicultural - Diversity of women (Body size, colour, etc.)


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