

  • What is '350 PPM'?:
  • 'The number 350 means climate safety: to preserve a livable planet, scientists tell us we must reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from its current level of 400 parts per million to below 350 ppm.'
  • The anchored image of the model upon the first page of the double-page spread is indicative of the fashion industry, with this particular article from Adbusters making reference towards to it in particular for it's heavy amount of Co2 production, with a yearly estimated amount of 1.7 billion tonnes created, for reference, this is more than international flights as well as shipping combined. 
  • The imagery of the article anchors the effect of global warming away from the fashion industry through dividing this unrelatable image of the model and placing them within a black negative space and grungy rectangle-like shape, versus the familiarity of the beggar upon an urban sidewalk, the image of her captured within another shape akin to gas, or with the context of the article, CO2- It creates an implication that those within the fashion industry often see themselves as unaffected by their harmful means of production and that only the common man is, though this factually isn't the case.
  • The body text segment speaking upon the possibilities for the world should we not attend to lowering the CO2 production swiftly is anchored beside a photograph of an elderly beggar woman, with her acting as a representation of the potential standard of living for many, including the reader if no action is taken.


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