
Showing posts from February, 2021

How does zoella create a relatable mode of address?

  one of the primary conventions of vlogs is an emphasis on the personality of the presenter or the blogger. This is reinforced and emphasised throughout the video through the consistent use of static camera angles and use of close up shots of the vlogger. This in turn creates a sense of identity and engagement for the young female target audience. Zoella's enthusiastic gesticulation  (the process of making a gesture) adds to the effect of her liveliness, paired with her lack of breaking eye contact makes her feel like shes upholding a direct casual conversation with the viewer. her hands are often shown to be open, which shows she is welcoming and has nothing to hide. Her facial expressions are overly exaggerated and deeply emphasised equivalently to her excessive hand movements. Frequently hoists her purchased products up to the camera, at times letting them pull all the focus as she speaks about them. Again engaging and breaking the 4th wall as she acts as if the video is a conv

Why is Zoella so difficult to study?

 Online media is literally impossible to make sense of Online media is impossible to regulate Online media has the power to change the world, both for good and bad, often at the same time. Why is Zoella so difficult to study? Zoella is multi-media, they don't just produce Youtube videos, but the brand upkeeps everything from a blog, to various social media, to fictional books, all kinds of physical products. Richard Dyer's notion of The Utopian Solution Utopian - Related to a perfect world Zoella represents the world for example in her pizza video I looked at the last lesson, in such a way that is not verbatim with reality, but rather a form of comfort food. There is no racism, no taxes, or hardships. Its just two hegemonically attractive people doing something very mundane for 10 minutes overly enthusiastically.  It is pure escapism. The appeal of vlogging:  - They are oftentimes relatable personalities to watch to an extent, and much like podcasters, there's someone out t

Media in the online age

Digital technology - Literally any technology which involves computers.  Digital convergence - Is the coming together of previously separate industries thanks to digital technology. What gets you marks in A-level media studies?: Media language first and foremost is the most essential area of the subject. Textual analysis. Having an opinion, and turning that opinion into a clear argument. EG: Michael on online media. Social media, online media and digitally convergent media have become more powerful than governments.  Never being subject to traditional forms of regulation, Online Media presents a literally impossible to understand, hyperreal collage of news, fake news, ideology, hatred, advertising, pornography and videos of cats. There is no differentiation between these forms, leading to a form of hyper-convergence with no hope of differentiating between previously distinct forms of media. With no impediment to posting, extreme ideologies such as holocaust denial, pro-eating disorder

Clay Shirky / LNHW Socials

 Advantages of services like Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, Disney+ so forth is that they don't need to show live news. A) It's expensive.  B) It would take a political POV, meaning it would alienate potential subscribers.  C)  If you dont /have/ to do pay for either of the above, why would you.  The BBC however does not need to make money in the same respect as other media producers and distributors.  Digitally integrated and digitally convergent media platforms Media synergy - When two things gel and work together immensely well. For example, the BBC distributing properties such as Louie Theroux on Netflix is an example of digital synergy and allows the BBC to 'pull' in new, younger audiences. Clay Shirky  - The End Of Audience 'Due to innovations in technology, audiences have effectively become the producer.' Many are of the opinion Shirky speaks with a lot of fluff, and his theories don't really stick. That he is simply talking about Henry Jenkins' Fa