Why is Zoella so difficult to study?

 Online media is literally impossible to make sense of

Online media is impossible to regulate

Online media has the power to change the world, both for good and bad, often at the same time.

Why is Zoella so difficult to study?

Zoella is multi-media, they don't just produce Youtube videos, but the brand upkeeps everything from a blog, to various social media, to fictional books, all kinds of physical products.

Richard Dyer's notion of The Utopian Solution

Utopian - Related to a perfect world

Zoella represents the world for example in her pizza video I looked at the last lesson, in such a way that is not verbatim with reality, but rather a form of comfort food. There is no racism, no taxes, or hardships. Its just two hegemonically attractive people doing something very mundane for 10 minutes overly enthusiastically.  It is pure escapism.

The appeal of vlogging: 

- They are oftentimes relatable personalities to watch to an extent, and much like podcasters, there's someone out there that may appeal to next to everyone.

- Youtube is highly accessible and enables many metrics of interaction. You can subscribe, comment, like. Etc. 

- Practically anyone can do it.

- Vlogs are rarely challenging to watch for the most part.

- Easily distributable.

- Vlogging/Youtube/Twitch all these platforms provide an intimacy that you don't get from any other media.

- 'Fly-on-the-wall' or supposedly authentic by being messy in their presentation. Despite more often than not purposely being constructed in this manner, for that effect.

42% of internet users watch vlogs. (The Guardian; 2015)


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