How does zoella create a relatable mode of address?


one of the primary conventions of vlogs is an emphasis on the personality of the presenter or the blogger. This is reinforced and emphasised throughout the video through the consistent use of static camera angles and use of close up shots of the vlogger. This in turn creates a sense of identity and engagement for the young female target audience.

Zoella's enthusiastic gesticulation  (the process of making a gesture) adds to the effect of her liveliness, paired with her lack of breaking eye contact makes her feel like shes upholding a direct casual conversation with the viewer.

her hands are often shown to be open, which shows she is welcoming and has nothing to hide.

Her facial expressions are overly exaggerated and deeply emphasised equivalently to her excessive hand movements.

Frequently hoists her purchased products up to the camera, at times letting them pull all the focus as she speaks about them. Again engaging and breaking the 4th wall as she acts as if the video is a conversation to the viewer.

Zoella presents a binary opposition between fantasy and reality. On the one, she is a real woman, who engages with audiences by being relatable and authentic

Zoella presents her audiences with a utopian fantasy that allows them to escape from their boring everyday life of mundanity, she is presenting a hyper-real representation to her target audience of a fake world where the fantasy is more important and real than she actually is.

Jean Baudrillard argues that there is no difference between representation and reality, as it is impossible to distinguish between them.

Live our lives wrapped in a fantasy, and Zoella allows us to escape into her perfectly constructed fantasy world, if only for 15 minutes.

This above article had Zoella entirely removed as a piece of course content for GCSE Media. 

Brand identity - The ways in which audiences can identify a media product and differentiate between media products based on their ideologies? 

Zoella's brand identity has entirely shifted, alienated her younger fans.. In favour of engaging her more mature audience, in order to secure a greater profit with viewership that may prove more lucrative. 

Online media is entirely based around the philosophy of 'engagement' in order to maximise profit, through monetised successful business practices.

Hypermodal media - Media that goes from one place to another. (Deeper into the hellish Zoella rabbit hole). The entire internet by design is a hypermodal media platform that allows audiences a vast number of experiences. In order for online media products to ensure their financial success, it is a must for them to guarantee engagement with their target audience. 


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