Explore how the Nike promotional video uses representations to construct reality

Representations are re-presentations.

Media products allow producers to use representations, in order to reconstruct the world, and this Nike advertisement is no different.

Representations demonstrate the ideological perspectives and biases of the producer.

Explore how the Nike promotional video uses representations to construct reality:

The message is of inclusiveness and perseverance during 'trying times' (Power and media industries - Curran and Seaton)

The synced up split-screen and parallels in cinematography between the shots on screen constructs a reality that the world is united and connected through sport, via its visuals.

Editing - Different types of athletes but shown mostly in a related environment that transitions in a synchronized and seamless fashion from one side to the other. This editing connotes the differences within humanity all the whilst still showing the similarities they share with sports, Ultimately, creating and destroying binary oppositions within the same few seconds.

The initial split mid-shot shows a white athlete and a black swimmer, both of who are women. As a result, this establishes the fact that this video has been produced in order to bring everyone in as one; no one is seen as superior as a result of their skin colour, which has been an issue in the past. As you carry on watching the video, it includes people of all ethnicity, disabilities, culture and gender in order to emphasis everyone matters and everyone is equal. In a time where most people feel alone, this video helps in order to bring everyone together and bring positivity into our lives.

Implications of the Nike brand's ethos as inclusive and ethical, by including many people of different genders, those with disabilities, ethnic groups. etc.

Major key music for positivity. Works to construct an optimistic representation of the world through the covid-19 pandemic.

Direct address, the narrator using lexis like 'we' within the Nike manifesto during this ad.

The voiceover 'We're never alone, and that is our strength because when we're doubted we'll play as one.' The tone of the narrator is motivating and inspiring, 'we' and 'our' - use of collective lexis, the audience will feel like a part of it - direct mode of address.

inspirational soundtrack --> fast-paced strings in a major key ascend and descend in a loop. However, when the pandemic is mentioned strings begin to play in a minor key --> symbolic of sadness.

Celebrity endorsement - "You can't stop Megan Rapinoe, Serena Williams, or Lebron James. Just as you can't stop Naomi Osaka, Cristiano Ronaldo or Leo Baker.", as well as appearing on screen numerous times.

Inter-textual references to various speeches such as Megan Rapinoe's 'it's our responsibility to make this world a better place' 

Costume - almost every sportsperson wearing Nike apparel, an emphasis that you NEED Nike to be successful. Remember: The purpose of an advert is not to sell a product, but to sell a lifestyle. Nike benefits from the effects of commodity fetishism, not that the equality of their products are of a 'better quality' than any other.

Subverts stereotypical representations of gender --> women playing sports, being active. Although often the women are wearing more revealing clothes than the men --> possibly appealing to the male gaze. (Laura Mulvey)

The mise-en-scene of 'teams' furthers the encoded preferred reading of feeling proud, inspired, and unified by the visuals up on the screen.

The dominant ideology that 'we are all equal' regardless of gender, ethnic group, disabilities, or fame. Is represented throughout the advert.


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