How do the representations in 'Formation' reflect the ideology of the producer?

 How do the representations in 'Formation' reflect the ideology of the producer?


New Orleans -> New Orleans has been flooded various times -> Insufficient aid

MES: sinking police car -> 

Complex representations of African-American women and men.

Representations of the police as riot force -> Proairetic code of violence against black child. -> binary opposition of riot police and a little child.

MES: Antebellum dress from 1800s and upper-class household setting -> Symbolic code for  the power white slave owners wives/daughters -> Binary opposition to the representations of contemporary african-americans. -- Extremely controversial. -> Attempt to reappropriate a symbol of slavery, racism. A removal of power from the White.

Antebellum/ Katrina -> intertextual references.

Atypical, subversive song for Beyoncé as an artist. 

Paul Gilroy: Postcolonialism theory

conventional music video structure -> Dancing, 

Binary opposition between low-res old VHS effect and modern high quality cinematography.  -> B.O.s make meanings clear.

Primarily stereotypical working class settings: Parking lot, church, gym, urban streets.

braids, afros, curly hair -> Black Identity

MES: Gospel church setting

News footage of hurricane Katrina -> Disproportionately effected African Americans.

Black backup dancers symbolic of community and empowerment.

Bricolage; A combination of different forms of media.

Knee Jerk:

Representations of working class Black people utilised to draw attention to under represented issues.

Deliberately challenging 

The setting of the abandoned swimming pool is symbolic of the Black community drowning under the influence of poverty and racism within American. 

Mid shot of MES of a graffiti reading, 'Stop Shooting Us', drawing the audience's attention to a significant.

Proairetic code of riot shields, signifies violence, aggression and conflict. MES of hoodie to the child is symbolic the stereotypical way in which young African American boys are represented as trouble makers and criminals.

Paul Gilroy and postcolonial theory, argues we still have racist ideologies in the UK, as well as America; That black people and white people are represented differently in media. 

The music video constructs a message of black people as powerful, yet, conversely vulnerable in many respects. 


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