
Showing posts from September, 2019

Ideological Significance of the Tide Ad

What is the Ideological signification of the choice of focal image in this advert?: W ith this advertisement coming from the time period of the 1950s, the dominant ideology back then was that women were in essence just housewives while men were the true workers, we can see  DMB&B believed in such via the focal point of the advert being an illustration of a woman presented to be utterly in love with a dish washing product...  What can we tell about the producer's ideals and values from it?: W e can presume that either the producers agreed with the concept that women are subordinate to men or they are at the very least aware that with it being the dominant ideology that it will sell their product far better than those who don't follow it. T heir values are shown off by the decision to comply with the popular trends even if it wasnt morale, it presents the company now to the contemporary audience that they were more concentrated upon capital over anything

1950s representation of women

Who are Proctor and Gamble? P roctor and G amble were American industrialists, and in 1837 became the co-founders of The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) a multinational consumer goods corporation headquartered in Ohio, USA. T heir products ranged from beauty; Grooming; Health Care; Fabric & Home Care; and Baby, Feminine, & Family Care. Before the sale of Pringles to Kellogg's, its product portfolio also included foods, snacks, and beverages... Essentially just a jack of all trades of a company that didnt keep all it's eggs in one basket. J ames G amble W illiam P roctor Life for a woman of the 1950s? C oming off the threshold of the second world war as well as the Great Depression, the 1950s when generalising was a time of conformity where the majority would stick to their assigned supposed gender roles and such; This left women more often in not fully stopping work when they got ma

Advertisement Analysis 🤔

Advertisement Analysis: T he vast majority of the image seen above is composed with many hues of pinks, violets, and reds- each of these colours having their own respective messages, the pinks representing the clear femininity and calmness of the brand while the purple throws in a feel of royalty or wealth, finally the deep reds provide excitement and youthfulness. - All of these colours tossed in together just work to provide to target audience with a feel good emotion upon viewing it. R ather than a product, the ad seems to be attempting to captivate it's audience of what I can assume is probably housewives, middle age women maybe around their late twenties, early thirties, based upon the model's appearance. T he decision to have the model wearing such a hefty amount of make-up alongside a 1950's reminiscent hairdo also holds implications of femininity, and works to give the viewer a good idea as to the type of brand that Coach is and their ideal customers, meanw


The Brief: Create a video of 30 seconds of one of the following: Walking up a flight of stairs.  Entering an elevator.  Waiting for something. I blindly chose the third for my group, without really thinking through an idea at that point- But I figured it being the most vague gave the most room for creative ideas and whatnot over the other two that demanded a specific scenario, if that makes any sense? My group: Byron (me) Louis Grace Santa The catch of the whole ordeal is that there are a set of things we are and are not allowed to use! What we have to use: (Compolsory)  A Low-Angle shot from 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' a close up shot from 'The Revenant' C lose- u p : A  shot of an actor or object that is tight around near to the entire frame with very little empty space surrounding it. L ong s hot: A shot that gives a view of a scene from a considerable distance and often gives the audience a reasonable understanding of the locatio

These are a few of my favourite things..~

Top five films: 1) G uardians O f T he G alaxy 2) I nglorious B asterds 3)   T he R evenant 4) B aby D river 5) P ulp F iction Top five TV shows 1) P eaky B linders 2) T he O ffice 3)   C astlevania  4) D aredevil 5) G ame O f T hrones (Pre-final season...) and The Umbrella Academy... Top five bands: 1) Q ueen 2) P anic! A t T he D isco 3) T he R olling S tones 4) M other M other 5) R age A gainst T he M achine Best albums: 1) P retty.  O dd. - Panic! At the Disco (2008) 2) Okay I dont know many albums... Best actors: 1) J ake G yllenhaal 2)   C illian M urphy 3) T om H ardy 4) C hris H emsworth 5) T aron E gerton Best videogames: 1. F allout: N ew V egas 2. R atchet a nd C lank 3 3. T he E lderscrolls V : Skyrim 4. O verwatch 5. C S: G O Top directors: 1) T aika W aititi 2) E dgar W right 3)  Q uentin T arantino 4) J ames G unn Top film posters: Best Youtube channels: 1) C orrido