Question: In what ways can the television industry uniquely convey issues, events and representations? Make reference to Humans in your answer.
Question: In what ways can the television industry uniquely convey issues, events and representations ? Make reference to Humans in your answer How is the television industry a specialised industry? How is the TV industry different from the film industry? TV: -Often lower production budget -Different forms of distribution, such as streaming (Netflix, HBO Max, though films are leaning in this direction too in recent times.) and live television. Film: - Higher production budget and expectation for money-back. - Primarily tied to cinema experience, more of an 'event' - Less serialised, shorter overall runtime than a tv series. How do television shows make money? Television shows often make money primarily from advertisements during their runtime. How are Humans and Les Revenants distributed to their target audiences? AMC, and Channel 4 at initial release, then streaming platforms like 4OD and Netflix afterwards for additional profit. ...